What To Expect

For most people coming to an unfamiliar church can feel, well… unfamiliar.  First of all, we want you to know you are welcome here. Here is a glimpse of what to expect when you join us for worship.

At the Door

As soon as you walk to the front doors you will likely see some of our greeters. If you should have any questions about the location anything in our facility, they would be glad to direct you or give you an escort where you need to go.

In Worship

Our worship together typically begins with music from our worship team. Our Worship Team consists of singers and a variety of instruments- guitars, bass, drums, piano, and organ. Lyrics are projected on large video screens so everyone can easily join in. A Christ-centered message is preached by our Lead Pastor and on occasion another staff member. We do receive our weekly offering during worship. As our guest, please know that you are welcome to participate in the offering, but you are certainly not obligated. Most services are concluded with an invitation, a time where people can respond to the Lord or come to a pastor for prayer.  After each service one of our Lead Pastor and his wife are available to meet or speak with you. 

Care For Your Infants and Toddlers

Our Nursery provides a warm, nurturing and well-supervised environment for your infants and toddlers.  All our volunteers have participated in a background check and our security team is constantly walking around our facility.  You can be sure that your child is safe with us.

Small Groups

Small groups are offered through our Sunday School at 9:15. 
Weekly Schedule
9:15 AM  – Sunday School
10:30 AM – Worship
6 PM Worship                                                             
Wednesday Night
Adult Bible Study – 6 PM
StudentLife – 6 PM
KidsLife – 6 PM